Welcome to Driss Plastic's neck lifting surgery website!



neck lifting surgery Fullness in the neck and under the chin can be very resistant to dieting, and is surprisingly common even amongst young people. It can be hereditary and usually increases with age. Liposculpture to the chin can greatly improve the look of the face, and even though only a small amount of fat is removed the improvement in appearance can be dramatic. Many people feel as though their face looks much younger after the treatment and friends and relatives comment on their rejuvenated appearance, not even realising that any procedure has been performed.

Liposuction of the neck the operative technique: Through small stub incisions on the skin below into the chin, a saline solution with anesthetic and adrenalin will be infiltrated. With special small diameter cannulas the fat will be aspirated and removed.

Liposuction of the neck duration and anesthesia: The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and lasts usually 30-60 min.

Recovery: After 1-2 weeks the elastic compressive bandages will be removed, and the patient is able to return to usual activities. A postoperative massage is recommended.

Rare complications: Transitory bruises and mild edema.